Ecclesiastes and the Moebius Strip at Logos Sacred Text
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Peter G Pereira 2015 |
We were at chapter 9 discussing more of this daunting Biblical text which turns thoughts and expectations on its head and twists back round again turning good into bad and vice versa into nuanced middle-grounds leading inevitably to zero sums...vanity and death.
Enjoy life with the wife whom you love, all the days of your nvain2life that he has given you under the sun, because that is your oportion in life and in your toil at which you toil under the sun. 10 Whatever your hand finds to do, pdo it with your might,3 qfor there is no work or thought or knowledge or wisdom in Sheol, to which you are going.
I posited that the logic of the texts had the inverted qualities of a profound but simpler underlying form. The relationship of many texts, literature, architectures, poetry through the ages as in this Wisdom Text used some mathematical aesthetic and formula to anchor some of their works to elegant effect. Say as the Greek used their Pythagorean and Platonic geometry in temples and statues, hexameters and others in metered Poetry and Music, later the use of Renaissance perspective in Painting such fashion I thought did come some elegant form of Ecclesiastes logic, geometry or rather topology which embraces its mirror image and opposite resembled one m-surface peculiarity call the Mobius Strip.
It takes you circle round the cylinder 2πr on one surface(=2Pir x *h) then another 360 in an one surface loop of continuous and orientable front and backside at once ie on one surface! - all lines always passing through zero ( through the themes and sides of vanity and death so vital to the inherent tensions of Ecclesiastes where life is balanced precariously with no special advantages but definite conclusions)...whereas parallel lines never converge...(except on the sphere but that us another dimensional analogy...with quantum implications!
For fun and point... I constructed cylinders made out of scrap text paper and Mobius Strips and let the audience of guests take a look and feel for themselves. On the flat strip you could read the text in very linear fashion but with a simple 180 degree twist with corners no longer matching up A to A to B to B as in the cylinder but B to A to A to B the text not to be read in a totally different unique way both sides at once!
What I would call an Ecclesiastesial Mobius-strip moment! There was that magic moment of discovery for some others in the group as well. Despite my somewhat off-topic incursion great discussions ensued.
Ben as always gave us food for thought and insight that brought this work to many new heights and lights. Chapter 10 is next .
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Peter G Pereira 2015 |
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Ecclesiastesial Moebius by Peter G Pereira 2015 |
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Ecclesiastesial Moebius by Peter G Pereira 2015 |
Ecclesiates 9
But all this I laid to heart, examining it all, chow the righteous and the wise and their deeds are din the hand of God. Whether it is love or hate, man does not know; both are before him. 2 eIt is the same for all, since fthe same event happens to the righteous and the wicked, to the good and the evil,1 to the clean and the unclean, to him who sacrifices and him who does not sacrifice. As the good one is, so is the sinner, and he who gswears is as he who shuns an oath. 3 This is an evil in all that is done under the sun, that ethe same event happens to all. Also, the hearts of the children of man are full of evil, and hmadness is in their hearts while they live, and after that they go to the dead. 4 But he who is joined with all the living has hope, for a living dog is better than a dead lion. 5 For the living know that they will die, but ithe dead know nothing, and they have no more reward, for jthe memory of them is forgotten. 6 Their love and their hate and their envy have already perished, and forever they have no more share in all that is done under the sun.
Enjoy Life with the One You Love
7 Go, keat your bread with joy, and drink your wine with a merry heart, for God has already approved what you do.
9 Enjoy life with the wife whom you love, all the days of your nvain2life that he has given you under the sun, because that is your oportion in life and in your toil at which you toil under the sun. 10 Whatever your hand finds to do, pdo it with your might,3 qfor there is no work or thought or knowledge or wisdom in Sheol, to which you are going.
Wisdom Better than Folly
11 rAgain I saw that under the sun sthe race is not to the swift, nortthe battle to the strong, nor bread to the wise, nor riches to the intelligent, nor favor to those with knowledge, but time and uchancevhappen to them all. 12 For man wdoes not know his time. Like fish that are taken in an evil net, and xlike birds that are caught in a snare, so the children of man are ysnared at an evil time, when it suddenly falls upon them.
13 I have also seen this example of wisdom under the sun, and it seemed great to me. 14 There was a little city with few men in it, and a great king came against it and besieged it, building great siegeworks against it. 15 But there was found in it za poor, wise man, and he by hisawisdom delivered the city. Yet no one remembered that poor man.16 But I say that bwisdom is better than might, though cthe poor man's wisdom is despised and his words are not heard.
17 The words of the wise heard in dquiet are better than the shouting of a ruler among fools. 18 eWisdom is better than weapons of war, butfone sinner destroys much good.
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Peter G Pereira 2015 |